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Dawgs of Summer

So lookin’ back over the summer one event really stood out for the Oaktown Pack. Our hometown ball team had their annual Oakland A’s Bark in the Park Day and peeps and their dawgz came from all over California to play! The most beautiful Hannah and her maw Kim came from the southland and Shelby the petite princess and her maw Cindi and her chauffeur Jack came from Santa Rosa and Austin Ray and Smokey B represented the Oaktown Pack along with our maw and paw. Whoa dawggies did everyone have a grrrrrrrreat time! Especially when the A’s came back and spanked the Orioles in the bottom of the 9th! Wish I coulda bin there to meet that purty grrrl Hannah. Sigh……The OP looooved meeting Hannah and her maw and it is always soooo good to see Shelby and her pawrents. What a grrrreat game and good time!

Kim, Cindi, and Jack
Kim, Cindi, and Jack


Shelby and her chauffeur
Shelby and her chauffeur










Representing the Oaktown Pack
Representing the Oaktown Pack



OMD, I came all this way and they're losing
OMD, I came all this way and they’re lo0000sing πŸ™










Pleeeeze Miss, can I have some of your corndawg?
Pleeeeze Miss, can I have some of your corndawg?










Oooh, maybe they're not gonna lose after all!
Oooh, maybe they’re not gonna lose after all!










Woohoo! A three run-homer!!
Woohoo! A three run-homer!! We wooooon!!!!

3 Replies to “Dawgs of Summer”

  1. Sounds like so much fun πŸ™‚ Our minor league team did this for a couple of years I don’t know if they did it this year or not. They always had a good turn out

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  2. Great pictures…thank you for posting – it was sooo much fun, I am so glad my mom brought me along – and she thanks the Oaktown pack for helping me up and down all those stairs! If it wasn’t for you guys my mom doesn’t know what she would have done!

    I am sad that the A’s lost their steam and are no longer in first place and might not even make it to the post season! =(

    My mom was super excited that there might be a Angels-A’s post season! Doesn’t look like that will happen!

    Next year!!!???


    A tripawd get together is like no other pawty in the land! And when have such happy stellar guests as these handsome/pretty pups, then fun is guaranteed!

    Thanks for sharing the joy of a great gathering!!!

    Hugs to all!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too

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